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Witness Preparation

Learning that you will be deposed or need to appear before a judge, jury or a decision-making body can be a stressful experience, particularly when the appearance will be critical to a case. We provide counseling and advice by applying a tried-and-true formula that prepares witnesses to offer effective and compelling testimony and prevail through cross-examination, while remaining at ease throughout. An effective witness can help you to win your case by ensuring that strategic and memorable testimony remains in the minds of judges, jurors and decision-makers. At the Markarian Group, we have years of experience providing witness preparation services for executives in litigation and regulatory settings, and can discuss your options with you today.

Perhaps the single-most critical place that our counseling and advice can provide value is ensuring effective and compelling testimony. Lawyers nearly always have an advantage over witnesses, and our work helps to ensure a fair and level playing field. Almost no one else puts the same emphasis on assisting clients with deposition and trial testimony, so much so that other lawyers hire us just to prepare their witnesses, and corporations do, too. We apply our tried-and-true formula that leaves witnesses prepared to provide compelling testimony, while remaining at ease, throughout. Providing testimony at a trial, in deposition or before a regulatory body can produce significant anxiety, even among the most confident witnesses. While both content and tone are paramount, we focus a witnesses’ awareness on the “little details” that might be used in an unexpected way by an adversary, and address the “unknowns” that can leave a witness feeling ill at ease. The keys to ensuring effective witness testimony in a no-stress/low-stress environment is preparation.

At The Markarian Group, we have years of experience providing witness preparation services for executives in litigation and regulatory settings. Proper witness presentation should prepare witnesses to offer effective testimony and prevail through cross-examination. An effective witness can help you to win your case by creating valuable testimony in the minds of judges, jurors and decision-makers.

Developing Presentation Skills through Intensive Witness Preparation

Even if your case seems to be cut-and-dried, an unprepared witness can gut your case, despite the merit of your position. You can do something about that, by working with a witness preparation specialist. At The Markarian Group, our advocates are committed to thorough, effective and ethical preparation of witnesses for various forms of testimony. We routinely provide strategies to assist witnesses for:

  • Direct courtroom examinations
  • Courtroom cross-examinations
  • Deposition testimony
  • Testimony before regulatory decision-making bodies
  • Testimony concerning scientific methods and analysis
  • Testimony requiring technology and multimedia
  • General public appearances, testimony and public forums
  • Government and regulatory investigations

Critical Witness Preparation Strategies

Witness testimony can be critical to a jury or judge’s ruling or a regulatory body’s decision about an important business issue. Don’t leave a critical appearance to chance. We would be pleased to demonstrate our witness preparation programs, protocols and strategies to ensure effective witness, including:

  • Learning how to shine in direct examination and to escape cross-examination unharmed
  • Testifying thematically, and through relaying “stories”
  • Awareness of techniques frequently used by opposing counsel to damage a witness’s credibility or confuse a witness
  • Harnessing physical (nonverbal) presence and behavior to support testimony
  • Emphasizing strengths in testimony while deemphasizing potentially harmful weaknesses; and
  • Analysis of testimonial strengths and weaknesses from experienced trial and appellate attorneys.

We can help to identify trends in your speech patterns and physical behavior that can impact the way your testimony is received. We will also ensure that you have a strong grasp on the facts of the case, as well as any documents pertaining to your testimony. Effective testimony isn’t simply about knowing the facts and legal issues involved. A thoroughly prepared witness is able to take advantage of techniques to create valuable testimony in the minds of judges, jurors and decision-makers.

Why choose The Markarian Group?

Proper witness presentation can – and almost always does – make or break your case, and our skilled witness preparation professionals assist in preparing witnesses to offer effective testimony and prevail through cross-examination, while remaining at ease. An effective witness can help you to win your case. Contact The Markarian Group today to learn more about how our services can benefit you.